
CineMonsteR - collection of the most rare and scandal films of world cinema.



Láska / Lone. 1973.

Láska / Lone. 1973.
CZ. Své milostné okouzlení prožívají nejen mladičtí hrdinové filmu šestnáctiletý Petr a stejně stará dívka Andrea, ale i jejich rodiče, kteří se po letech znovu setkali. Rádoby poetické ladění je však místy násilné stejně jako střídání barvy s černobílými pasážemi. Láska patří mezi Kachyňova normalizační díla, která postrádají osobitost, nahrazuje ji křečovitou stylizací, která postihuje všechny složky filmu.
EN. Své milostné okouzlení prožívají nejen mladičtí hrdinové filmu šestnáctiletý Petr a stejně stará dívka Andrea, ale i jejich rodiče, kteří se po letech znovu setkali. Rádoby poetické ladění je však místy násilné stejně jako střídání barvy s černobílými pasážemi. Láska patří mezi Kachyňova normalizační díla, která postrádají osobitost, nahrazuje ji křečovitou stylizací, která postihuje všechny složky filmu.
Director: Karel Kachyňa.
Cast: Jaroslava Schallerová, Oldřich Kaiser, Milena Dvorská, František Velecký, Hana Houbová, Jiří Pleskot, Vladimír Šmeral, Věra Uzelacová, Helena Loubalová, Zdeněk Ornest, Lenka Kořínková, Dana Kubálková, Jan Kraus, Vlastimil Zavřel, Michal Pospíšil, Ivo Kubečka, Hana Čížková, Jan Teplý st., Jiří Lír, Milena Steinmasslová, Jana Janěková, Markéta Vosková, Veronika Freimanová, Olga Potzová, Jan Holeyšovský, Jan Cmíral st., Petr Kostka, Karolina Slunéčková, David Schneider.
Czechoslovakia, Filmové studio Barrandov, 1973.
Language: Czech.
Download Láska / Lone. 1973.
Láska / Lone. 1973.
Láska / Lone. 1973.



Adopting Olya. 1995.

Adopting Olya. 1995.
These days, the daily flight from Moscow to New York City carries a few American families with Russian children — some cross-eyed or hare lipped, but all with pasty complexions and brand new, ill fitting American clothing.
Russian law allows foreign nationals to adopt Russian orphans. But there is a catch: only children with birth defects and incurable medical conditions may be adopted. Adopting Olya is the story of one such adoption.
Four-year-old Olya has lived in the Children’s Home in Chelyabinsk all her life. She has been diagnosed with a vague “developmental disability.” Olya knows her future American family only from a little photo album:
Directors: Slawomir Grünberg, Slava Paperno.
Russia, 1996.
Language: English.
Download Adopting Olya. 1995.
Adopting Olya. 1995.
Adopting Olya. 1995.



Philipp, der Kleine / Phillip the Small. 1976. FULL-HD.

Philipp, der Kleine / Phillip the Small. 1976. FULL-HD.
DE. Philipp, der Kleine ist ein Kinderfilm der DEFA von Herrmann Zschoche aus dem Jahr 1976.
Philipp fühlt sich viel zu klein. Zwar sind seine Freunde in der Schule auch nur gerade drei Käse hoch; er aber meint, Großes könne man nur als Großer vollbringen. So träumt er von großen Taten und Dingen. Und siehe da, er bekommt eine Flöte geschenkt, die Wunder tut! Man muß die Wundermelodie nur möglichst wunderbar spielen, und schon werden die Dinge klein oder groß, ganz wie man will. Nur einen Haken hat die Sache: sich selber darf man nicht größer machen, als man ist, denn dann ist es um die Wunderkraft der Flöte geschehen. Natürlich will eine Wunderflöte ausprobiert sein. So macht Philipp probehalber aus einer kleinen Katze einen kleinen Löwen, der in der Stadt beträchtliches Aufsehen erregt. Einen Riesenfernlastzug verkleinert er zum Zwergenauto. Und die Äpfel der Oma Hundertgramm zaubert er kürbisgroß. Das alles schafft Verwunderung, Verwirrung und Erstaunen. Wie mag so etwas möglich sein? Ob es mit rechten Dingen zugeht..?
EN. A little boy wishes to be taller in order to be noticed by the others. Then he comes across a magical flute.
Director: Herrmann Zschoche.
Cast: Jan Spitzer, Andij Greissel, Katrin Jakobeit, Volkmar Kleinert, Ilse Voigt, Szymon Szurmiej, Fred Delmare, Mico Pagini, Arnim Mühlstädt, Petra Kelling, Ursula Staack, Manfred Ott.
DDR, DEFA, 1976.
Language: German, Russian.
1440x1080 FULL-HD
Download Philipp, der Kleine / Phillip the Small. 1976:
2 parts archive:
Philipp, der Kleine / Phillip the Small. 1976. FULL-HD.
Philipp, der Kleine / Phillip the Small. 1976. FULL-HD.



賽虎 / Sai Hu / Saihu the Dog. 1982. FULL-HD.

賽虎 / Sai Hu / Saihu the Dog. 1982. FULL-HD.
CN. 土地革命時期,贛東北某邊遠山區。地主趙百萬家的守林人旺崽父子,養了一隻聰明忠實的獵犬——賽虎。賽虎與旺崽父子相依為命,是父子倆看家、狩獵的幫手,生活中最好的夥伴。
EN. The story sets in the agrarian revolutionary period, a brave boy and his smart loyal dog rescue his father from the evil landlord's dungeon.
Directors: Hua Yong-Zhuang, Luo Zhen.
Cast: Li Hao, Dai Jing, He Ning-Kang, Liu Yi-Bing, Zhao Yi-Gong.    
China, 1982.
Language: Mandarin.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download 賽虎 / Sai Hu / Saihu the Dog. 1982.
賽虎 / Sai Hu / Saihu the Dog. 1982. FULL-HD.
賽虎 / Sai Hu / Saihu the Dog. 1982. FULL-HD.



Anthology of short films. Part 107.

Anthology of short films. Part 107.
Today is an extraordinary release of the Anthology of short films, number one hundred and seven. Again, there will be no titles and synopsis of the short films included in this issue. I can only say that they are all fresh, in HD and three of them are documentaries about ballet.
Enjoy watching!
Download Anthology of short films. Part 107.
Anthology of short films. Part 107.
Anthology of short films. Part 107.

Anthology of short films. Part 107.
Anthology of short films. Part 107.


Anthology of short films. Part 106.

Anthology of short films. Part 106.
So we present to your attention the next issue of the Anthology of short films number one hundred and sixth. Today there will be no titles, no synopsis of mini-movies, and there are reasons for this. This time there are 11 mini-films, mostly from Latin America, almost all fresh and in HD.
Enjoy watching!
Download Anthology of short films. Part 106.
Anthology of short films. Part 106.
Anthology of short films. Part 106.

Anthology of short films. Part 106.
Anthology of short films. Part 106.



The Baby Sitter. 1969.

The Baby Sitter. 1969.
This is one of the episodes of the first season of "The Doris Day Show".
With Buck and the boys out bowling for the evening, Doris is enjoying the peace and quiet at home, that solitude which is suddenly shattered when neighbor, Dorothy Benson, telephones, stating that she is going into labor with child number 5, and she requires Doris' help since her husband, Hal, can't get their own car started to drive her to the hospital. Doris sits with the four Benson children, while Hal takes Doris' car to drive Dorothy to the hospital. Doris later learns that the baby isn't expected until morning, meaning that Doris has to stay with the Benson children overnight. It will be a long night for Doris, as the Benson children's reputation for being a rambunctious lot precedes them.
Among the Benson children is a seven-year-old Jodie Foster in her first acting role as the rambunctious Jenny.
Director: Harry Falk.
Cast: Doris Day, Denver Pyle, James Hampton, Philip Brown, Todd Starke, Naomi Stevens, Jodie Foster, Paul Smith, Lord Nelson, Peggy Rea, Hal Smith, Julie Reese.
USA, 1969.
Language: English.
Download The Baby Sitter. 1969.
The Baby Sitter. 1969.
The Baby Sitter. 1969.



Natalie - Endstation Babystrich / Natalie I - Endstation Babystrich. 1994.

Natalie - Endstation Babystrich / Natalie I - Endstation Babystrich. 1994.
DE. Natalie – Endstation Babystrich ist der Titel eines deutschen Fernsehfilms, der von Kinderprostitution handelt.
Natalie Schneider wohnt in gutbürgerlichen Verhältnissen in der Frankfurter Vorstadt. Beide Eltern gehen geregelten Arbeiten nach, sie selbst besucht ein gutes Gymnasium. Dennoch fühlt sie sich unglücklich: Vor allem ihre jüngere Schwester Vanessa, die an Asthma leidet und daher oft ins Krankenhaus muss, nimmt die ganze Aufmerksamkeit der Eltern in Anspruch. Natalie wird daher oft strenger erzogen.
Trost findet Natalie zunächst bei ihrem Klassenkameraden Max, bis sie über ihre Schulfreundin Marion den charmanten Nico kennenlernt, nicht ahnend, dass er als Zuhälter seinen Lebensunterhalt verdient.
Natalie gerät in ein gefährliches Milieu zwischen Schule und Babystrich, ihre Eltern ahnen nichts davon. Erst als Georg Teuchert, ein Freund der Familie, hinter Natalies Doppelleben kommt, kann Natalie dem Strich entkommen.
EN. 14 years old Natalie seems to live in a completely healthy and wealthy family. However she feels lost: her parents spend most of their time for her younger, sick sister. So she grows more and more lonely. After an argument with her father she runs away from home. In her quest for care and nearness, she ends up with souteneur Nico.
Director: Herrmann Zschoche.
Cast: Anne-Sophie Briest, Nina Hoger, Udo Schenk, Volkert Kraeft, Tobias Nath, Annekathrin Lange, Falk-Willy Wild, Melanie Rühmann, Barbara Kramer, Oliver Korittke, Hans Zürn.
Germany, 1994.
Language: German.
Download Natalie - Endstation Babystrich / Natalie I - Endstation Babystrich. 1994.
Natalie - Endstation Babystrich / Natalie I - Endstation Babystrich. 1994.
Natalie - Endstation Babystrich / Natalie I - Endstation Babystrich. 1994.


Hijos de la Sal / Children of the Salt. 2017. HD.

Hijos de la Sal / Children of the Salt. 2017. HD.
ES. Tras la muerte de Evaristo, un viejo obrero de la salina de Las Cumaraguas, el cumplimiento de su última voluntad se convierte en un rito inicial para sus dos únicos hijos: María y Enrique. Ellos creen que ser adultos es un juego de roles. Sin embargo, se darán cuenta que madurar y crecer es, finalmente, inevitable.
EN. In Cumaragues, Venezuela an elderly father, Evaristo and his pubescent children, Enrique (13) and Maria (16) survive by harvesting salt from the sea. After the father dies, they live alone. Isolated from the outside world they become increasingly distanced, whilst their lust starts to blossom. Their lives get a lot harder. The brutal reality of harvesting sea salt coincides with their blossoming sexuality. Their lives of solitude drive them further apart whilst awakening lust makes itself known.
Directors: Andrés Eduardo Rodríguez, Luis Alejandro Rodríguez.
Cast: María Alejandra Jiménez, Terry Goitía, Anibal Grunn, José Torres, Yixi Alejandra Villegas.
Venezuela, 2017.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Hijos de la Sal / Children of the Salt. 2017.

Hijos de la Sal / Children of the Salt. 2017. HD.
Hijos de la Sal / Children of the Salt. 2017. HD.



Das Mädchen aus dem Fahrstuhl / The Girl in the Lift. 1991. HD.

Das Mädchen aus dem Fahrstuhl / The Girl in the Lift. 1991. HD.
DE. Frank, mathematisch begabt, FDJ-Sekretär der Schule und Sohn eines Betriebsdirektors, beginnt sich in der 10. Klasse für die Neue, Regine, zu interessieren. Er begegnet ihr mehrfach im Fahrstuhl des Hochhauses auf der Berliner Fischerinsel, wo auch seine Familie wohnt. Als sie, leistungsschwächste Schülerin, mehrere Tage fehlt, will er sich um sie kümmern und entdeckt, dass sie ihre Geschwister betreut. Ihre Mutter liegt im Krankenhaus, die vier verschiedenen Väter haben sich davongemacht. Er unterstützt sie und setzt sich für sie ein. Als sie Kindergärtnerin werden möchte, fordert er ein öffentliches Gespräch über Leistung und Eignung heraus. Dabei stößt er auf den energischen Widerstand der Direktorin und wird aus der FDJ ausgeschlossen was ihm Abitur und Studium unmöglich macht. Seine einflussreichen Eltern verschaffen ihm einen Platz in einer Spezialklasse an der Technischen Universität Dresden. Nach anfänglichem Zögern nimmt Frank an, wodurch er Regine, seine Freunde und Ideale verrät.
EN. Frank, a tenth grade student, falls in love with his classmate Regine. His father is a well-connected plant manager in the GDR; Regine’s mother is a single parent with four children. Regine wants to become a kindergarten teacher, but her grades are poor and she is not allowed to apply for technical college. Frank champions her and seeks an open discussion about these rigid regulations. But his criticism is nipped in the bud. When he tries to oppose this, he feels the pressure of the state being brought to bear against him. He senses the conformism, egotism and lack of interest in change all around him. Will he remain strong?
Director: Herrmann Zschoche.
Cast: Barbara Sommer, Rolf Lukoschek, Henry Schroeder, Diane Damerau, Stefanie Wegener, Alexandra Falkner, Thomas Grimm, Oliver Fischer, Matthias Hühne, Wolfgang Ullrich, Frieder Uhlmann, Jan Opoczynski.
DDR, DEFA, 1991.
Language: German.
960x720 HD
Download Das Mädchen aus dem Fahrstuhl / The Girl in the Lift. 1991.
Das Mädchen aus dem Fahrstuhl / The Girl in the Lift. 1991. HD.
Das Mädchen aus dem Fahrstuhl / The Girl in the Lift. 1991. HD.



Svédcsavar. 1975. Episodes 1-3. HD.

Svédcsavar. 1975. Episodes 1-3. HD.
HU. Mamcserov Frigyes ifjúsági mini-sorozata Mezei András (Szerencsés Dániel) forgatókönyve nyomán" készült.
A történet az 1930-as években játszódik Budapesten. A gyerekek az utcán futballoznak. Az egyik be akarja mutatni társainak a svéd csavart. Közben a kocsmáros kirakatüvegét betöri. Krajcár úr annak a háznak a tulajdonosa, ahol a fiú édesanyja házfelügyelő. Három nap haladékot ad, hogy a kárért 100 pengőt kifizessen. Mivel nagyon szegények még remény sincs arra, hogy kitudják fizetnie. Barátai elhatározzák, megszerzik a pénzt.
EN. Frigyes Mamcherov's youth mini-series was made following the script of András Mezei (Dániel Szerencsés).
The story takes place in Budapest in the 1930s. The kids are playing football on the street. One wants to introduce his comrades to the Swedish screw...
Director: Mamcserov Frigyes.
Cast: Horváth Gábor, Kaló Flórián, Szabó Ferenc, Földi Teri, Kovács Krisztián, Venczel Vera, Benedek Miklós, Gelley Kornél, Kibédi Ervin, Pécsi Ildikó.
Hungary, Magyar Televízió Mûvészeti Fõosztály, 1975.
Language: Hungarian.
1280x720 HD
Download Svédcsavar. 1975. Episodes 1-3.
Svédcsavar. 1975. Episodes 1-3. HD.
Svédcsavar. 1975. Episodes 1-3. HD.



Álmodó ifjúság / Dreaming Youth. 1974. HD.

Álmodó ifjúság / Dreaming Youth. 1974. HD.
HU. Herbert boldogan éli gyermekkorát a század eleji Magyarország egyik kisvárosában. Új barátja, Ödön színt, izgalmat visz életébe, közös rejtekhelyet találnak egy raktárhelyiségben. Egyszer egy szökött intézeti lányt is bezárnak ide, akit Herbert később szabadon enged, és ezzel örökre elveszti barátját...
A film 1975-ben Újdelhiben nagydíjat kapott.
EN. A poetic version of the autobiographical novel of the same name by the Hungarian Jewish film critic Béla Balázs, brilliantly depicting the conflicts over changes come to a provincial town in Hungary at the end of the nineteenth century, including the screening of the first motion picture there. These are seen through the critical and idealistic eyes of 12 year-old Herbert Bauer (as Balázs was then named), played by blond Zoltán Csoma.
Director: Rózsa János.
Cast: Csoma Zoltán, Damenija Csaba, Lohinszky Loránd, Eva Ras, Szabó László, József Máriáss, Sarolta Jancsó, Péter Haumann, Krisztina Aranyi, Péter Balázs, Zsuzsa Csernák, Gyula Gazdag.
Hungary, 1974.
Language: Hungarian.
Subtitles: Hungarian.
1280x720 HD
Download Álmodó ifjúság / Dreaming Youth. 1974.
Álmodó ifjúság / Dreaming Youth. 1974. HD.
Álmodó ifjúság / Dreaming Youth. 1974. HD.



Ik ben een meisje! / I Am a Girl. 2010. FULL-HD.

Ik ben een meisje! / I Am a Girl. 2010. FULL-HD.
NL. Joppe is een mooi meisje van 13 jaar. Ze heeft een oogje op Brian. Maar wat Brian nog niet weet, is dat ze eigenlijk een jongen is.
EN. Every 13-year-old girl dreams of that nice, but hard-to-get, boy. And Joppe is no different, consulting her friend on how to ask Brian out. But just how should she tell him that she was born a boy? From a very early age, Joppe - then still called Jop - liked to wear dresses and wigs and play with Barbie dolls. Jop also preferred to be addressed as a "she" rather than a "he." Halfway through the last year of elementary school, she decided to ask her classmates to consider her a girl from then on. "It really isn't a huge problem", she says. "It doesn't dominate your life, although you are confronted by it every day." Nevertheless, this brave teenager won't let anything stop her. With a striking amount of self-confidence, Joppe explains how puberty blockers and female hormones work and how she copes with her emotions.
Winner of the Jury Award for Best Short Documentary at the Los Angeles Film Festival, USA 2011.
Director: Susan Koenen.
Netherlands, 2010.
Language: Dutch.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Ik ben een meisje! / I Am a Girl. 2010.
Ik ben een meisje! / I Am a Girl. 2010. FULL-HD.
Ik ben een meisje! / I Am a Girl. 2010. FULL-HD.


Viva Cuba! 2005. HD.

Viva Cuba! 2005. HD.
 Viva Cuba is a 2005 Cuban film, directed by Juan Carlos Cremata and Iraida Malberti Cabrera, and written by Cremata and Manolito Rodriguez. It was the first Cuban film to be awarded the ‘Grand Prix Écrans Juniors’ for children's cinema at the 2005 Cannes Film Festival.
In Viva Cuba, a road movie fairy tale,[2] Cremata tackles localized Cuban problems from the literal point of view of the country's children. He lowers the camera to the eye level of the film's protagonists, Malú (Malú Tarrau Broche) and Jorgito (Jorgito Miló Ávila).
 In a tale akin to Romeo and Juliet, the friendship between two children is threatened by their parents' differences. Malu is from an upper-class family and her single mother does not want her to play with Jorgito, as she thinks his background coarse and commonplace. Jorgito's mother is a poor socialist that is proud of her family's social standing. She places similar restriction on her son. What neither woman recognizes is the immense strength of the bond between Malu and Jorgito. When the children learn that Malu's mother is planning to leave Cuba, they decide to travel to the other side of the island to find Malu's father and persuade him against signing the forms that would allow it.
Directors: Juan Carlos Cremata Malberti, Iraida Malberti Cabrera.
Cast: Malú Tarrau Broche, Jorge Milo, Luisa María Jiménez Rodríquez, Larisa Vega Alamar, Lieter Ledesma Alberto, Sara Cabrera, Pavel García Valdés, Albertico Pujols Acosta, Juan Carlos Cremata Malberti.
Cuba, France, 2005.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Viva Cuba! 2005. HD.
Viva Cuba! 2005. HD.
Viva Cuba! 2005. HD.

Viva Cuba! 2005. HD.
Viva Cuba! 2005. HD.



Just You and Me, Kid. 1979. FULL-HD.

Just You and Me, Kid. 1979. FULL-HD.
In this comedy, an elderly ex-vaudevillian is surprised to find a naked young woman in the trunk of his car. He soon discovers that she is a runaway fleeing from both the police and an enraged drug dealer she cheated out of $20,000. Meanwhile, the codger's daughter continually attempts to get him committed because of his overly generous support of his former colleagues.
Director: Leonard Stern.
Cast: George Burns, Brooke Shields, Lorraine Gary, Ray Bolger, Leon Ames, Carl Ballantine, Keye Luke, John Schuck, Nicolas Coster, William Russ, Christopher Knight, Julie Cobb.
USA, 1979.
Language: English.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Just You and Me, Kid. 1979.
Just You and Me, Kid. 1979. FULL-HD.
Just You and Me, Kid. 1979. FULL-HD.



Asesinato en lunes de carnaval / Acosada en lunes de carnaval / Hounded on a Carnival Monday. 2002. HD.

Asesinato en lunes de carnaval / Acosada en lunes de carnaval / Hounded on a Carnival Monday. 2002. HD.
In the small town of San Jorge, a 12-year-old girl watches in horror as her father, a local telegraph operator is thrown in prison by the local military dictatorship. Meanwhile, her mother, Florencia, must make tough moral decisions in order for them to survive under the political oppression. Even Carnival, with all its colorfulness and celebration, cant disguise the mounting tension between the villagers and government making the girls coming of age all the more difficult when the two collide. This movie combines attractive visual scenes with a highly sensual atmosphere as Florencia fights and uses all her resources and beauty to survive and find revenge.
Highlighting the Mexican star Luis Felipe Tovar, ("The Mexican" "La Virgen la lujuria" Cilantro y Perejil", "Atletico San Pancho", "Todo el Poder" and others) and the seхy Latin American actress Mimi Lazo.
Director: Malena Roncayolo.
Cast: Juan Carlos Alarcón, Armando Gutiérrez, Mimi Lazo, Abril Schreiber, Betty Sánchez, Luis Felipe Tovar, Óscar León García, José Mantilla, Juan Ruedi.
Venezuela, Colombia, Mexico, 2002.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Asesinato en lunes de carnaval / Acosada en lunes de carnaval / Hounded on a Carnival Monday. 2002.
Asesinato en lunes de carnaval / Acosada en lunes de carnaval / Hounded on a Carnival Monday. 2002. HD.
Asesinato en lunes de carnaval / Acosada en lunes de carnaval / Hounded on a Carnival Monday. 2002. HD.

Asesinato en lunes de carnaval / Acosada en lunes de carnaval / Hounded on a Carnival Monday. 2002. HD.
Asesinato en lunes de carnaval / Acosada en lunes de carnaval / Hounded on a Carnival Monday. 2002. HD.


על חבל דק / Al Hevel Dak / The Thin Line. 1980. HD.

על חבל דק / Al Hevel Dak / The Thin Line. 1980. HD.
IL. על חבל דק הוא סרט קולנוע ישראלי משנת 1980 בכתיבתה ובבימויה של מיכל בת-אדם, בהשתתפות גילה אלמגור, אלכס פלג והילדה ליאת פנסקי בתפקידים הראשיים.
העלילה היא על מערכת היחסים בין ילדה בת שמונה לאמה ההולכת ומאבדת את שפיותה. גילה אלמגור משחקת את האם הבלתי שפוייה ומבחינה זו דומה תפקידה בסרט זה לתפקידה בסרט הקיץ של אביה משנת 1988.
הסרט זכה ב-3 פרסי מרכז הסרט הישראלי 1980 ( סרט, בימוי - מיכל בת-אדם, משחק - גילה אלמגור) וב־3 פרסי כינור דוד 1981 (סרט, בימוי - מיכל בת-אדם, משחק - גילה אלמגור).
EN. The Thin Line (Hebrew: על חבל דק‎, translit. Al Hevel Dak) is a 1980 Israeli drama art film written and directed by Michal Bat-Adam. The film was selected as the Israeli entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 53rd Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.
Explores the relationship between an eleven-year-old girl and her ailing mother, who is losing a grasp of reality in the surrounding environment of insensitivity and cruelty.
Director: מיכל בת-אדם / Michal Bat-Adam.
Cast: Gila Almagor, Alexander Peleg, Liat Pansky, Aya Veirov, Avner Hizkiyahu, Svetlana Mazovetskaya, S. Grinshpan, Kina L. Hanegbi, Irit Mohr-Alter, Miri Fabian, Shmuel Shaked, Yehudit Koren.
Israel, 1980.
Language: Hebrew.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download על חבל דק / Al Hevel Dak / The Thin Line. 1980.
על חבל דק / Al Hevel Dak / The Thin Line. 1980. HD.
על חבל דק / Al Hevel Dak / The Thin Line. 1980. HD.



Classes vertes. 2009.

Classes vertes. 2009.
FR. Jonathan, 7 ans, fait sa valise. Demain il part en classes vertes avec l'école. Mais sa maman n'a pas envie qu'il parte. Et l'amour d'une maman, c'est bien connu, ça peut faire des ravages...
EN. Jonathan, age seven, prepares his suitcase. Tomorrow he leaves for an educational schooltrip to the countryside with his school. But his mum does not want thim to leave. And the love of a mum, is well known, can do some rampage.
Director: Alexis Van Stratum.
Cast: Martin De Myttenaere, Marceau Henrard, Catherine Salée.
France, Belgium, 2009.
Language: French.
Download Classes vertes. 2009.
Classes vertes. 2009.
Classes vertes. 2009.



Nattlek / Night Games. 1966. FULL-HD.

Nattlek / Night Games. 1966. FULL-HD.
Night Games (Swedish: Nattlek) is a 1966 Swedish movie directed by Mai Zetterling and starring Ingrid Thulin. The film premiered at the 27th Venice International Film Festival where it was considered so controversial that it was shown to the jury in private. The film was also the cause of former child-star Shirley Temple's resignation from the San Francisco International Film Festival. Temple denounced the film as “pоrnоgrаphy for profit” and was against it being shown at the festival.
Jan returns with his fiancеe to his childhood home. While there he flashes back to his childhood, twenty years before when he lived an unfettered life watched over by a strange great-aunt and a hedonistic and often neglectful mother and father. In particular he remembers watching his mother give birth to a stillborn child after refusing to go to the hospital in the middle of a party and his sexual obsession with his mother which included being caught by her while he was masturbating while listening to her read a bedtime story. In the present, his relationship with his fiancée grows more strained as his past begins to affect the way he acts in the present.
Director: Mai Zetterling.
Cast: Ingrid Thulin, Keve Hjelm, Jörgen Lindström, Lena Brundin, Naima Wifstrand, Monica Zetterlund, Lauritz Falk, Rune Lindström, Christian Bratt, Lissi Alandh, Monique Ernstdotter, Ragnar Arvedson.
Sweden, 1966.
Language: Swedish, Russian.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Nattlek / Night Games. 1966.
Nattlek / Night Games. 1966. FULL-HD.
Nattlek / Night Games. 1966. FULL-HD.



Bedwetter. 2008.

Bedwetter. 2008.
Dramatic short film about 10-year-old boy confronts the horror of his mother bringing a new man back to their apartment.
Director: Nat Livingston Johnson.
Writer: Zayd Dohrn.
Cast: Judy Jerome, Cole Kwiatkowski, Luke Temple.
USA, 2008.
Language: English.
Download Bedwetter. 2008.
Bedwetter. 2008.
Bedwetter. 2008.