
CineMonsteR - collection of the most rare and scandal films of world cinema.



Anthology of short films. Part 103.


Anthology of short films. Part 103.

Present to your attention the first spring issue of Anthology of short films number one hundred and three. Today our new collection contains 10 mini-films, old and new, documentaries and fiction. 

1. Odin den v detskom sadu №22. 2013. HD.
Documentary about one day in kindergarten number 22 in the Kirishi town, Leningrad region.
Cast: Svetlana Viktorovna Belyaeva, Elena Vladimirovna Strebkova, Tatyana Petrovna Ratnikova.
Russia, 2013.
Language: Russian.
1280x720 HD
2. Cientouno. 2020. HD.
“You die if you jerk off 100 times.” This threat rings through the ears of our main character, a 14-year-old boy from rural Spain at the beginning of the twentieth century. Urged on by the hot flushes of youth, he explains his “sins” one by one so as not to cross over that fateful line, which causes him quite a few headaches. One day, however, having reached 99, he has to choose between imminent hell and the impetuousness of adolescence. How will it all end? An amusing short film about the feeling of guilt...
Director: Sebastián Alfie.
Cast: Montse Alcoverro, Carles Arquimbau, Benet Cabré.
Spain, 2020.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
3. Sisters. 2016. HD.
Two twin girls unsettle the taboos and amnesia surrounding childhood explorations of sexuality.
Director: Sophia de Baun.
Cast: Nathaniel Dickson, Michael Kelberg, Frances Lozada.
USA, 2016.
Language: English.
1920x1080 HD
4. Shower Boys. 2021. HD.
“Are you a man or a mouse?” asks the bandy trainer? Viggo answers with doubt but the team chant “MEN!”. After training, Viggo and Noel go home to Noel’s house and have a sauna. The friends start to compete on who is most manly, a tough competition where no-one really wants to be tough.
Director: Christian Zetterberg.
Cast: Lucas Andreasson, David Ramirez Knezevic, Robin Stegmar, Erik Lundin, Thomas Olausson.
Sweden, 2021.
Language: Swedish.
1920x1080 HD
5. Growing Girls. 1949.
The National Committee for Visual Aids in Education was behind this informative film that illustrates the arrival of the "special time" for young women. She's growing older. Her body is changing. What's it all about? GROWING GIRLS is here to explain.
Director: Winifred Holmes.
Cast: Winifred Holmes.
UK, 1949.
Language: English.
6. Premier amour. 2002.
In a schoolyard, kids play tag at recess. Back in class, Pol sits beside Justine. When the teacher's back is turned he twirls her hair. After school the boys scoff some candy and share it with the girls... The class is at the swimming pool. One boy diverts the teacher's attention so the others can sneak a peek into the girls' change room. But the surprise is on Pol when he finds himself trapped inside with the girls, his swimsuit still outside!
Director: Bernard Garant.
Cast: Bruno Mura, Robin Rees, Eugenie de Haspe.
Belgium, 2002.
Language: French.
7. Fifteen. 2018. HD.
One of touching films about teenagers life. Seductive moment by moment for a sort of freshness , wise use of details, storytelling and the performances and for memories about own youth. So, just beautiful.
Director: Louisa Baldwin.
Cast: Maddie Clark, Anna Lowrimore.
USA, 2018.
Language: English.
1920x1080 HD
8. Plein Ouest. 2019. HD.
Mathilde, aged 9, enjoys her last day of summer holidays at the seaside with her group of friends. Her father falsely interprets one of their games.
Director: Alice Douard.
Cast: Vega Cuzytek, Samuel Theis, Antoine Ayroulet.
France, 2019.
Language: French.
1280x720 HD
9. Endocrine diseases in children. 1979.
Educational film for medical students.
Director: A. Burimsky.
USSR, Tsentrnauchfilm, 1979.
Language: Russian.
10. Segeltörn am Gardasee / Sailing trip on Lake Garda. 1979.
Amateur documentary about a German family's vacation on the lake Garda.
Germany, 1979.
Language: German. 

Download Anthology of short films. Part 103.

Anthology of short films. Part 103.
Anthology of short films. Part 103.

Anthology of short films. Part 103.
Anthology of short films. Part


Angyali üdvözlet / The Annunciation. 1984. HD.

Angyali üdvözlet / The Annunciation. 1984. HD.
The highest quality version of this film has been found.
HU. A rendező gyermekekkel játszatja el a madáchi drámát. A szabad, elvadult természetbe helyezett látomásszerű, a látvány szintjén is egymáshoz kapcsolódó bibliai és történelmi színekben a gyermek Ádám a gyermek Luciferrel végigjárja a tudás megszerzésének történetét, az emberiség történelmét. A Paradicsomból való kiűzetéstől kezdve a történelmi korokat, az egyes korokon belül a haladásnak, a virágzásnak, a hanyatlásnak fázisait a tézis-antitézis-szintézis dialektikája szerint élik át, csak a helyszín állandósága mond ennek ellent. Az eszkimóvilág után önmagát elpusztítani akaró Ádámot a gyermek Éva szavai megállítják: az emberben él az esély a folytatásra. Az Úr szavára felfelé tekintő gyermekpár mögött azonban ott a Halál.
EN. The Annunciation (in Hungarian: Angyali üdvözlet) is a Hungarian film directed by András Jeles in 1984, based on The Tragedy of Man (1861) by Imre Madách.
This is a surreal account of the history of humanity as portrayed entirely by children between the ages of 8 and 12. The film begins with the biblical story as Adam (Péter Bocsor) and Eve (Júlia Mérö), are deceived by Lucifer (Eszter Gyalog) -- three very photogenic leads - into tasting the "Forbidden Fruit". They are thus chased out of the Garden of Eden by the Angel of Death and, in a vision, sent on an existential journey through western European history.
Always followed closely and influenced by the deceptively sweet, but contemptuous Lucifer, we follow Adam through The Plague, wars, Byzantium's wretched cripples, the French Revolution, the squalor of Dickensian London, and a final return to the scene of the crucifixion. Of course the picture makes a case for its premise - that of the consequences of Original Sin -- yet does so in a very unique way. In the closing scene, Lucifer says, "Why did I strive to achieve greatness in man, who knowlege a pygmy, in blindness a giant?" This reflects the somewhat nihilistic view of a nation still under the boot of Soviet communism.
This rare movie may be one of the best (and only child-starred) art films ever.
Director: András Jeles.
Cast: Péter Bocsor, Júlia Mérö, Eszter Gyalog, György Belme, Róbert Borók, Attila Dobay, Evelin Fehér, Réka Gévai, Ferenc Foltányi, Mariann Kaposi, László Jenei, Mónika Oláh, Katalin Köhler, Attila Rácz, András Papp Takács.
Hungary, 1984.
Language: Hungarian.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Angyali üdvözlet / The Annunciation. 1984.
Angyali üdvözlet / The Annunciation. 1984. HD.
Angyali üdvözlet / The Annunciation. 1984. HD.

Angyali üdvözlet / The Annunciation. 1984. HD.
Angyali üdvözlet / The Annunciation. 1984. HD.


Птушкі без гнёздаў / Ptitsy bez gnyozd / Birds Without Nests. 1996. HD.

Птушкі без гнёздаў / Ptitsy bez gnyozd / Birds Without Nests. 1996. HD.
BY. «Птушкі бяз гнёздаў» (руск.: Птицы без гнёзд) — мастацкі фільм пра беларускую паэтэсу Ларысу Геніюш, створаны на падставе яе ўспамінаў.
Геніюш Ларыса Антонаўна (1910, в. Жлобаўцы Ваўкавыскага р-на – 07.04.1983), паэтэса, празаік. Скончыла Ваўкавыскую польскую гімназію (1928). У 1937 г. выехала ў Прагу, дзе вучыўся, а пасля працаваў лекарам муж. Удзельнічала ў дзейнасці беларускай эміграцыі (была сакратаром урада БНР). 05.03.1948 г. з мужам арыштавана ў Празе, прывезена ў Мінск. у 1949 г. прыгаворана Вярхоўным судом БССР да 25 гадоў лагераў. Пакаранне адбывала ў Комі АССР.
Вызвалена ў 1956 г., пасялілася ў г. п. Зэльва Гродзенскай вобл., дзе, маючы грамадзянства Чэхаславакіі, жыла да смерці. Друкавалася з 1939 г. у эмігранцкіх выданнях. У першым зборніку "Ад родных ніў" (Прага, 1942) пераважаюць нацыянальна-вызваленчыя матывы. Аўтар зборнікаў "Невадам з Нёмана" (1967), "На чабары настоены" (1982), кніг для дзяцей "Казкі для Міхаські" (1972), "Добрай раніцы, Алесь" (1976).
Яе творчасць – думка пра лёс Беларусі, яе гісторыю,сучаснае і будучае. Нязломнасцю духу вызначаюцца лагерныя творы ("Крывёй напоўніліся поймы рэк", "Мы – народ"), кніга ўспамінаў "Споведзь" (апублікавана ў 1990).
Помнікі Л. Геніюш устаноўлены ў г. Зэльва і ў г. Старыя Дарогі.
EN. "Birds without nests" (Russian: Птицы без гнёзд) is a feature film about the Belarusian poetess Larisa Heniyush, based on her memoirs.
Director: Vitaliy Dudin / Віталь Дудзін.
Cast: Tatiana Kovalevskaya, Pavel Kormunin, Alexei Buldakov, Gennady Garbuk, Alexander Tkachenok, Lyubov Rumyantseva, Nikolai Kirichenko, Oleg Korchikov.
Belarus, Belarusfilm, 1996.
Language: Russian, Belarusian.
1280x720 HD
Download Птушкі без гнёздаў / Ptitsy bez gnyozd / Birds Without Nests. 1996.
Птушкі без гнёздаў / Ptitsy bez gnyozd / Birds Without Nests. 1996. HD.
Птушкі без гнёздаў / Ptitsy bez gnyozd / Birds Without Nests. 1996. HD.


Amor Estranho Amor / Love Strange Love. 1982. FULL-HD.

Amor Estranho Amor / Love Strange Love. 1982. FULL-HD.
 Love Strange Love (Portuguese: Amor Estranho Amor) is a 1982 Brazilian erotic crime drama film written and directed by Walter Hugo Khouri. The film stars Vera Fischer, Tarcísio Meira and Xuxa Meneghel. Fischer won the Best Actress Award at the 15th Festival de Brasília as well as the Air France Award.
The story involves an adult man's recollection of a short period of his life in 1937. That year, on the eve of a key political change in Brazil, a 12-year-old boy is sent to live in a bordello. The bordello's owner, the favorite woman of an important politician, is also the child's mother. In those hours, he discovers his own seхuality.
Love Strange Love caused some controversy due to the participation of Xuxa in the cast. In an interview, Xuxa explained that she was between 17 and 19 years old when the film was made. In another interview Xuxa comments that the film was made in 1979. Her character has seхual relations with a boy of 12 years, interpreted by the actor Marcelo Ribeiro. As in the contract there was no release of the image for video, Xuxa, through a judicial injunction, ordered to collect all the original tapes of stores and stores of the country, nevertheless 4,000 copies were sold before the Justice to distribute its distribution, being, therefore, many pirate copies continued circulating, making of the film a true legend among people who did not know the work.
In 2014, Xuxa lost a lawsuit it filed against Google to create a filter in order to eliminate results related to the movie in its search engine. Xuxa filed an appeal against that decision but had, in 2017, the appeal denied.
The video of Love Strange Love has its marketing and distribution prohibited in Brazil. However, the film was released on DVD in the United States in 2005 and can be purchased by any Brazilian on foreign import sites. The US producer did not sell the rights to Xuxa, who filed a lawsuit in the US in 1993, but lost.
Uncut version 137 min.
Director: Walter Hugo Khouri.
Cast: Vera Fischer, Tarcisio Meira, Xuxa Meneghel, Íris Bruzzi, Walter Forster, Marcelo Ribeiro, Mauro Mendonça, Otávio Augusto, Matilde Mastrangi, José Miziara, Vanessa Alves, Jairo Arco e Flexa.
Brazil, 1982.
Language: English, Portuguese,  Russian.
1920x1080 FULL-HD
Download Amor Estranho Amor / Love Strange Love. 1982:
2 parts archive:
Amor Estranho Amor / Love Strange Love. 1982. FULL-HD.
Amor Estranho Amor / Love Strange Love. 1982. FULL-HD.



Litsom K Litsu S Detstvom. 1968.

Litsom K Litsu S Detstvom. 1968.
The musical film is dedicated to the memory of Vladimir Sergeevich Loktev, the creator and leader of the song and dance ensemble of the Moscow City Palace of Pioneers.
The film starred: Song and Dance Ensemble of the Moscow Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren, the Ensemble of the Palace of Pioneers and Schoolchildren named Yuri Gagarin (Baku) "Dzhudzhalyarim", students of the Military Music School and students of Moscow schools.
Director: Ioakim Sharoyev.
Cast: Alexey Gladyshev, Gennady Nekrasov, Olga Gladysheva, Evgeniya Murasina, Igor Sharoev.
USSR, TO Ekran, 1968.
Language: Russian.
Download Litsom K Litsu S Detstvom. 1968.

Litsom K Litsu S Detstvom. 1968.
Litsom K Litsu S Detstvom. 1968.


夜汽車 / Yogisha / Night Train. 1987.

夜汽車 / Yogisha / Night Train. 1987.

JP. 宮尾登美子の短編傑作「夜汽車」「岩伍覚え書」をもとに映画化した情念の物語。 露子が13歳のとき、母親は妹の里子を産んで死んだ。 そしてやくざな父親は遊ぶ金欲しさに露子を料亭に売り飛ばし、そのまま野垂れ死んでしまう。 露子は泣く泣くまだ乳飲み子の里子を人手に預け、彼女の養育費を稼ぐため芸*として各地を転々とする。
EN. Based on a novel by Tomiko Miyao (Kai, Kura, Midwinter Camellia). A woman's love is tested as she faces betrayal.
The tragic tale of the plight of two sisters in early 20th century Japan.
It takes place a few years before WWII all the way to the end of it.
Her mother died during the birth of her sister when her father was with the prostitute. She sold herself as a child geisha to get her father to feed her little baby sister. After a few days She had to identify the body of a man who had been stomped to death by a gambler. Now, only you and two sisters are left. What adults in the geisha house can do Is to give her baby sister to a family of a noodle shop to take care of Although she loved and did not want to leave her sister. But in the end there was no choice.
Director: Kôsaku Yamashita.
Cast: Yukiyo Toake, Kumiko Akiyoshi, Ken'ichi Hagiwara, Masahiko Tsugawa, Kai Atô, Tatsuo Endô, Noriko Hayami, Ryûji Katagiri, Nenji Kobayashi , Kumi Mizuno, Tetsurô Tanba.
Japan, 1987.
Language: Japanese.
Subtitles: English, Russian.
Download 夜汽車 / Yogisha / Night Train. 1987.

夜汽車 / Yogisha / Night Train. 1987.
夜汽車 / Yogisha / Night Train. 1987.



Nonnebørn / Agnus Dei. 1997. HD.

Nonnebørn / Agnus Dei. 1997. HD.
«Kære Gud giv mig et bevis på at du ikke eksisterer...»
DK. Pigen Johanne anbringes nogle måneder på en streng katolsk klosterskole. Her drages hun af den nye fremmede verden med de traditionsrige og mystiske ritualer. Men da nonnerne begynder at opfatte hende som en lille helgen, bliver Johanne fortvivlet. Hun trygler Gud om ikke at få et kald.
EN. The young girl Johannes is left by her mother at a solemn convent school. The school is a strange world to her, and when she feels unable to comply with the demands of faith she faces a difficult decision.
Director: Cæcilia Holbek Trier.
Cast: Amalie Dollerup, Kirsten Rolffes, Bodil Jorgensen, Lisbet Dahl, Cecilia Zwick-Nash, Nastja Arcel, Cecilia Eliasson, John Hahn-Petersen, Helle Fagralid, Luise Jacobsen, Bolette Engstrøm Bjerre.
Denmark, 1997.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Nonnebørn / Agnus Dei. 1997.

Nonnebørn / Agnus Dei. 1997. HD.
Nonnebørn / Agnus Dei. 1997. HD.



Lad isbjørnene danse / Dance of the Polar Bears. 1990. HD.

Lad isbjørnene danse / Dance of the Polar Bears. 1990. HD.
Dance of the Polar Bears (Danish: Lad isbjørnene danse) is a 1990 Danish drama film directed by Birger Larsen. The film was selected as the Danish entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 63rd Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.
At age 12, Lasse is a tough guy and a bright one. His life is changed when his mother, pregnant at the time, abandons his beloved father. She takes Lasse with her to live with her new paramour, a dentist as authoritarian as Lasse's Elvis Presley-fan butcher dad was easy-going. The dentist has a daughter, too, and she is a jealous schemer. Lasse tries hard to conform, but can a tiger change its stripes?
Director: Birger Larsen.
Cast: Anders Schoubye, Tommy Kenter, Birthe Neumann, Paul Hüttel, Laura Drasbæk, Hakim Bellmann Jacobsen, Kristine Horn, Stig Hoffmeyer, Henrik Larsen.
Denmark, 1990.
Language: Danish.
1280x720 HD
Download Lad isbjørnene danse / Dance of the Polar Bears. 1990.

Lad isbjørnene danse / Dance of the Polar Bears. 1990. HD.
 Lad isbjørnene danse / Dance of the Polar Bears. 1990. HD.