
CineMonsteR - collection of the most rare and scandal films of world cinema.



Anthology of short films. Part 101.

Anthology of short films. Part 101.

Today we present to your attention issue of Anthology of short films number one hundred and one, the last one this year. There are 12 mini-films in this pre-New Year collection, the content of the films is absent because the pre-festive bustle in the difficult conditions of Covid-19 takes up a lot of time. Happy viewing.

I. Remember Ashes. HD.
USA, 2019.
2. Hannah Cohen's Holy Communion. HD.
UK, 2012.
3. Airmax and the Cottonball Monsters.
Denmark, 1999.
4. Rêverie. HD.
Belgium, 2011.
5. Into the Blue. HD.
Croatia, Slovenia, Sweden, 2017.
6. Trauma. HD.
Iran, 2020.
7. The Maiden and the Princess. HD.
USA, 2011.
8. Sammy. HD.
Australia, 2019.
9. Cipka / Pussy. HD.
Poland, 2016.
10. It hurts to be a girl. HD.
Argentina, 2020.
11. Amicae Aeternum. HD.
Canada. 2019.
12. Das Schwein. HD.
Germany, 2010.

Download  Anthology of short films. Part 101.

Anthology of short films. Part 101.

Anthology of short films. Part 101.


Podzhigateli / Firestarters. 1988. HD.

Podzhigateli / Firestarters. 1988. HD.
 This film is a good example of the so-called "chernukha" of the Perestroika era.
The main character of the film, Sasha Shvets, is a pupil of a special vocational school, in fact, a colony for minors. The life of the colony brought up cruelty, fearlessness, cynical, evil contempt for weakness in the girl. One day she sets fire to the punishment cell and escapes from the colony. She ends up in Turkmenistan, where her grandmother works as a geologist at one of the halts - the only and last hope for understanding and sympathy. But the grandmother, fearing grave consequences, intends to return the granddaughter to the hands of justice ...
Director: Aleksandr Surin.
Cast: Natalya Fedosova, Olga Kozlova, Yelena Sidoruk, Larisa Osipova, Yelena Kryuchkova, Yelena Sergeyeva, Viktoriya Knyazeva, Lyubov Yerokhina, Inna Sukhareva, Yelena Serkova, Nikolay Oleynik, Tatyana Agafonova.
USSR, Mosfilm, 1988.
Language: Russian.
1280x720 HD
Download Podzhigateli / Firestarters. 1988.

Podzhigateli / Firestarters. 1988. HD.


Lumikuningatar / The Snow Queen. 1986. HD.

Lumikuningatar / The Snow Queen. 1986. HD.
 FI. H.C. Andersenin samannimiseen teokseen perustuva elokuva kertoo Kertun matkasta Kain luokse lumoavan Lumikuningattaren valtakuntaan. Lumikuningatar hamuaa viimeistä Vihreää Kiveä kruunuunsa voidakseen hallita koko maailmaa, mutta hän voi saavuttaa herruuden vasta Kain avustuksella. Ystävästään huolestunut Kerttu lähtee pitkälle ja vaarojen täyteiselle matkalle, löytääkseen ystävänsä tykö ja viedäkseen tämän takaisin kotiin. Kertun tarina muuttuu nuoren tytön kasvutarinaksi ja matkaksi aikuisuuteen.
Hartzellin ohjaama ja käsikirjoittama Lumikuningatar oli aikanaan poikkeuksellisen suuri tuotanto, kokonaiskustannusten noustessa yli 6 miljoonaan markkaan. Elokuva voitti Jussi-palkinnon parhaasta visuaalisesta suunnittelusta (Reija Hirvikoski) ja musiikista (Jukka Linkola), ja elokuva valittiin myös Suomen Oscar-ehdokkaaksi.
EN. The Snow Queen (Finnish: Lumikuningatar) is a 1986 Finnish fantasy film directed by Päivi Hartzell. The film was selected as the Finnish entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 60th Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.
In this adaptation of Hans Christian Andersen's longest story, the beautiful Snow Queen has captured two children and now keeps them apart. She has inserted a sliver of her own special ice into the eye of the boy, so that his heart will turn to ice and will be a proper match for hers. The boy's sister, meanwhile, has won free and attempts to find her brother. When she does, the warmth of her love for him melts his frozen heart and defeats the Snow Queen decisively.
Director: Päivi Hartzell.
Cast: Satu Silvo, Outi Vainionkulma, Sebastian Kaatrasalo, Tuula Nyman, Esko Hukkanen, Pirjo Bergström, Juulia Ukkonen, Paavo Westerberg, Saara Pakkasvirta, Antti Litja.
Finland, 1986.
Language: Finnish, German.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Lumikuningatar / The Snow Queen. 1986.

Lumikuningatar / The Snow Queen. 1986. HD.


Peppermint-Frieden / Peppermint Peace. 1983.

Peppermint-Frieden / Peppermint Peace. 1983. HD.
DE. Peppermint Frieden ist ein deutsches Filmdrama von Marianne Rosenbaum aus dem Jahr 1983. Der Film erhielt 1984 den Sonderpreis des Max-Ophüls-Festivals.
Ein sensibles Kind erlebt das Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Nachkriegsdrama
Nach Kriegsende verläßt die kleine Marianne (Saskia Tyroller) ihre Heimat Theresienstadt, wo unaussprechliche Dinge geschahen. In Bayern hingegen herrscht Friede ­ verkörpert durch einen kaugummispendierenden GI (Peter Fonda). In ihrem etwas manirierten, aber detailgenauen Debüt zeigt Marianne Rosenbaum Nazi-Schuld und Nachkriegsglück durch Kinderaugen.
EN. A movie about little Marianne's life in a little German village 1943-1950. The peace comes in the shape of an American soldier who brings chewing gum to all the children, a soldier they call Mr. Frieden. Marianne's head is filled with fear of war and belief that the war will come back.
Director: Marianne Rosenbaum.
Cast: Peter Fonda, Saskia Tyroller, Gesine Strempel, Hans-Peter Korff, Cleo Kretschmer, Konstantin Wecker, Hans Brenner, Gérard Semaan, Sigi Zimmerschied, Elisabeth Neumann-Viertel.
West Germany, 1983.
Language: German.
1280x720 HD
Download Peppermint-Frieden / Peppermint Peace. 1983.
Peppermint-Frieden / Peppermint Peace. 1983. HD.
Peppermint-Frieden / Peppermint Peace. 1983. HD.

Peppermint-Frieden / Peppermint Peace. 1983. HD.
Peppermint-Frieden / Peppermint Peace. 1983. HD.



Skønheden og udyret / Beauty and the Beast. 1983.

Skønheden og udyret / Beauty and the Beast. 1983.
DK. Skønheden og udyret er en dansk film fra 1983, skrevet og instrueret af Nils Malmros. Den handler om en teenagepiges forhold til sin far og de konflikter, der opstår mellem børn og forældre, når børn bliver voksne. Filmen vandt både en Robert- og en Bodilpris for bedste film.
EN. When Mette and her father are left alone over the Christmas holidays to paint the new nursery the father ends up alone most of the time. The 16-year-old Mette is always off with her friends at the disco or skating, and the father does not mind until he discovers that young Jønne has taken some semi-nude photos of Mette and clearly is intending to go further in their relationship. Suddenly the father starts hanging out with Mette and her friends as they practice winter sports together - and there is hardly anything stranger, or more embarrassing, as far as Mette is concerned. It is clear that father and daughter are heading toward a change in their relationship as both have to adjust to her "growing up."
Director: Nils Malmros.
Cast: Line Arlien-Søborg, Jesper Klein, Carsten Jørgensen, Merete Voldstedlund, Brian Theibel, Eva Gram Schjoldager, Michael Nørgaard, Jan Johansen, Hans Otto Hjort Hansen.
Denmark, 1983.
Language: Danish.
Subtitles: English.
Download Skønheden og udyret / Beauty and the Beast. 1983.

Skønheden og udyret / Beauty and the Beast. 1983.


Pagine chiuse / Closed Pages. 1968.

Pagine chiuse / Closed Pages. 1968.
IT. Pagine chiuse è un film del 1968 ed esordio cinematografico del regista Gianni Da Campo.
Il film fu presentato nella Settimana internazionale della critica del 22º Festival di Cannes.
In procinto di divorziare, i genitori dell'undicenne Luciano decidono di mandarlo in un collegio gestito da una istituzione religiosa. L'ambiente si rivela subito ostile per lui, senza nessuna possibilità di riscatto affettivo e comprensione: il ragazzo si trova isolato dai suoi coetanei, nonché represso dai preti nei suoi teneri tentativi di emancipazione.
EN. Northern Italy, late sixties. In the midst of the family crisis, with the parents on the brink of separation, little Luciano is forced to move to a religious college. The stern father, long distracted by a lover, fears that the mother's influence could harm her son in such a delicate period. But Luciano ill-suited to life in college. While the rigid priests stifle every momentum, the boy, who is homesick, closes more and more in himself and can not make friends with his companions.
Director: Gianni Da Campo.
Cast: Duilio Laurenti, Giorgio Da Ros, Silvano De Munari, Marina Gazziola, Luigi Nadali.
Italy, 1968.
Language: Italian.
Download Pagine chiuse / Closed Pages. 1968.
Pagine chiuse / Closed Pages. 1968.
Pagine chiuse / Closed Pages. 1968.



Alltid på en tisdag / Always on a Tuesday. 2004.

Alltid på en tisdag / Always on a Tuesday. 2004.
Sanna and Moa are best friends. One afternoon a week the two girls are allowed to be home alone instead of going to After-school. It is exciting and of course they have to try everything they normally aren't allowed to do. But after a while the games become more serious and Sanna has a hard time finding a way out.
Director: Pil Maria Gunnarsson.
Cast: Frida Bergesén, Bengt Braskered, Ylva Gallon, Lukas Lönnroth, Ann-Sofie Rase, Siri Flemming Svedmark.
Sweden, 2004.
Language: Swedish.
Download Alltid på en tisdag / Always on a Tuesday. 2004.

Alltid på en tisdag / Always on a Tuesday. 2004.
Alltid på en tisdag / Always on a Tuesday. 2004.


Anthology of short films. Part 100.

Anthology of short films. Part 100.

The Jubilee issue of Anthology of short films number one hundred is ready for viewing. This time there are 7 minifilms here including a Russian documentary about a ballet school in Siberia.
1. Ballet, ballet, ballet. 1998. HD.
Siberia on screen №5. Newsreel dedicated to the 40th anniversary of the Novosibirsk Choreographic School.
Russia, West Siberian Film Studio, 1998.
Director: Vladimir Eisner.
Language: Russian.
1442x1080 HD
2. Harmony. 2015. HD.
When a 9-year-old girl discovers that her mother works as a prostitute at night, she tries to escape their morbidly symbiotic relationship in a bold move.
Director: Felix Andre Schaffert.
Cast: Kenneth Huber, Anouk Petri, Mona Petri.
Switzerland, 2015.
Language: German.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1038 HD
3. Baby Doll. 1998.
1973, Heather is a 14-year old girl who is impatient to be a woman. She has one eye on her mother's baby doll nightie and the other on her best friend's dad. However, on a holiday weekend, she discovers the difference between dressing up and growing up and is forced to make a choice about what she really wants.
Director: Brian Kirk.
Cast: Jeni Courtney, Gerard McCartney, Kimberley McConkey.
UK, 1998.
Language: English.
4. En lille død / Tiny Death. 2005. HD.
Christian (12) and his best friend have been invited over to an older boy from school. There, he enters a mysterious world. It becomes an overwhelming experience - an essential step towards puberty.
Director: Kaspar Munk.
Cast: Philip Varlev, Michael Slebsager, Oliver Jagd Miehe-Renard, Elisabeth von Rosen.
Denmark, 2005.
Language: Danish.
1890x1080 HD
5. To ni. 2007. HD.
Anton is a boy left along on his own devices in the countryside. And then he finds an unusual plaything...
Director: Vic Acedillo.
Cast: Robert Felongco, Andrew Legarda, Jeanette Queblatin.
Philippines, 2007.
Language: Filipino.
1280x720 HD
6. Lus / Lice. 1983. HD.
Lus er en dansk børnefilm fra 1983 instrueret af Anette Pilmark og efter manuskript af Anette Pilmark og Per Schultz.
Lisa er 6 1/2 år gammel og går i børnehave. En dag får hun lus. Filmen viser, hvordan kammeraterne og de voksne omgivelser reagerer.
Director: Anette Pilmark.
Cast: Julie Find, Jesper Bredgaard, Anna Emilie Graae, Ivan Harsløf, Jonas Preisler, Iben Wurbs, Gunvor Bjerre.
Denmark, 1983.
Language: Danish.
1920x1080 HD
7. Sub Rosa. 2014. HD.
SUB ROSA observes the 8 year old Tilda, she lives with her grandmother who runs a flower shop. The young girl roams around freely and discovers a world of indecent activities lurking behind the flower store walls.
Director: Thora Hilmarsdottir.
Cast: Estelle Arama, Alexa Brown, Alex Harland, Prunella Scales.
UK, Iceland, 2014.
Language: English.
1920x1080 HD
Download Anthology of short films. Part 100.

Anthology of short films. Part 100.
Anthology of short films. Part 100.

Anthology of short films. Part 100.
Anthology of short films. Part 100.


Bastard Out of Carolina. 1996. HD.

Bastard Out of Carolina. 1996. HD.
Bastard Out of Carolina is a 1996 American drama film made by Showtime Networks, directed by Anjelica Huston. It is based on a novel by Dorothy Allison and adapted for the screen by Anne Meredith. Jena Malone stars in her debut as a poor, physically abused and sexually molested girl.
In 1997 the theatrical and video releases of the film were banned by Canada's Maritime Film Classification Board. The video was eventually granted release upon appeal.
In post-WWII South Carolina, a young woman named Anney gives birth to an illegitimate child, nicknamed Bone. A few years later, Anney marries the seemingly decent Glen, who does not get along with Bone. Annie's miscarriage of a boy enrages her husband, who, behind his wife's back, begins to physically abuse Bone on a regular basis. After Anney discovers what her husband has been doing, she leaves Glen. But her need for a man's love eventually compels her to return to Glen, setting the stage for a heinous incident between Glen and his stepdaughter. As a result, a rift forms between mother and daughter -- that may never be healed. A made-for-cable adaptation of Dorothy Allison's best-selling novel. Anjelica Huston makes her directorial debut.
Director: Anjelica Huston.
Cast: Jennifer Jason Leigh, Ron Eldard, Glenne Headly, Lyle Lovett, Jena Malone, Dermot Mulroney, Christina Ricci, Michael Rooker, Diana Scarwid, Susan Traylor, Grace Zabriskie, Richard Todd Sullivan.
USA, 1996.
Language: English, German.
1280x720 HD
Download Bastard Out of Carolina. 1996.

Bastard Out of Carolina. 1996. HD.
Bastard Out of Carolina. 1996. HD.



Le Skylab / Skylab. 2011. HD.

Le Skylab / Skylab. 2011. HD.
FR. L'action se passe en juillet 1979, pendant les quelques jours où la France a craint la chute de la station spatiale Skylab sur son sol. Une grande famille se réunit pour un week-end d'été dans sa maison de campagne. Le film recrée l'atmosphère de l'époque, les conversations entre adultes ou entre enfants... En particulier, on suit le point de vue d'Albertine, une jeune fille de 11 ans, et sa découverte des émois de l'adolescence.
EN. In July 1979, during the Summer holidays, in a house somewhere in Brittany, a whole family (parents, uncles, aunts, cousins and other relatives) are gathered to celebrate Granny Amandine's sixty-seventh birthday. Albertine, who was ten years old at the time, vividly recounts this brief but life-changing experience.
Director: Julie Delpy.
Cast: Bernadette Lafont, Emmanuelle Riva, Eric Elmosnino, Julie Delpy, Aure Atika, Jean-Louis Coulloc'h, Noémie Lvovsky, Denis Ménochet, Albert Delpy, Vincent Lacoste.
France, 2011.
Language: French, German.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Le Skylab / Skylab. 2011.
Le Skylab / Skylab. 2011. HD.
Le Skylab / Skylab. 2011. HD.


Is-slottet / Ice Palace. 1987.

Is-slottet / Ice Palace. 1987.

The Ice Palace (Norwegian: Is-slottet) is a 1987 Norwegian drama film directed by Per Blom based on the novel of the same name. The film was selected as the Norwegian entry for the Best Foreign Language Film at the 61st Academy Awards, but was not accepted as a nominee.
In a remote Norwegian mountain-area in the 1930s, two 12 year old girls Siss and Unn meet. They are friends, but for Unn it is more serious. She admits to having secret and indecent fantasies about her friend.
Director: Per Blom.
Cast: Line Storesund, Hilde Nyeggen Martinsen, Merete Moen, Sigrid Huun, Vidar Sandem, Knut Ørvig, Urda Brattrud Larsen, Charlotte Lundestad, Gunnar Svensrud.
Norway, 1987.
Language: Norwegian.
Subtitles: English.
Download Is-slottet / Ice Palace. 1987. 

Is-slottet / Ice Palace. 1987.
Is-slottet / Ice Palace. 1987.


Anthology of short films. Part 99.

Anthology of short films. Part 99.
The newest issue of Anthology of short films number ninety nine is ready for viewing. This time there are 6 minifilms here, they are all fresh and in high resolution.
1. Digitalis Purpurea. 2017. HD.
Seleccionado en el Festival de Cortometrajes Rodinia (España), en los Premios Pávez (España), en el Shorts In-Fest (España), en el Festival de Cortometrajes Diputación de Jaén contra la violencia de género (España), en el Mairena Creativa (España).
Director: Mar Babuglia.
Cast: Bela Abad, Lucia Arnal, Ursula Atochero, Iñigo Alvarez de Lara.
Spain, 2017.
Language: Spanish.
1920x1080 HD
2. Casey. 2017. HD.
Casey's mother ensures her daughter receives the education, protection, and loving care little girls need. But an altercation with some local schoolgirls reveals that Casey's life is based on a lie.
Director: Cody Westman.
Cast: Grace Keeping, Alexis Koetting, Sheila Guy Murphy, Alexander Rogers.
Canada, 2017.
Language: English.
1920x1080 HD
3. Mióta velem jár. 2019. HD.
When 8-year-old Málna shows up at her fathers', young rebel rock star Bögös is forced to take responsibility. They spend a frantic night out set in 80's underground Budapest. But when Bögös may realize what really matters to him, it might be too late.
Director: Rozália Szeleczki.
Cast: Korom Anna, Árpád Antolik, Emma Bercovici, Ádám Czitrom, Zsombor Ertl.
Hungary, 2019.
Language: Hungarian.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
4. Mini Miss. 2018. HD.
Amidst the sparkle and the glamour five 3 - 5 year olds compete to be crowned Mini Miss Baby Brasil. Filmed entirely from the perspective of a 4 year old the film provides a unique insight into a young child's experience and their innate capacity for resistance in a world dominated by adult norms & desires.
Director: Rachel Daisy Ellis.
Cast: Eloah Carvalho, Eloísa Pinto de Almeida, Maria Vitoria de Melo, Lara Steffans Kunzler.
Brazil, 2018.
Language: Portuguese.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
5. God's Gracie. 2018. HD.
Gracie is a quirky and smart 13 year old girl with one huge source of anxiety: she believes that people who don't follow every verse in the Bible will literally burn in the flames of hell for all eternity and feels compelled to save everyone. After failing to convince her family and community to repent for their sins, Gracie hits the road to save souls in Denver. On the way she encounters her biggest challenge yet: Heidi, an agnostic lesbian who might be able to put a crack in Gracie's rigid worldview.
Director: Chateau Bezerra.
Cast: John Batinovich, Jane Bergeson, Lucy Boryer, Edgar-Arturo Camacho-González.
USA, 2018.
Language: English.
1280x720 HD
6. Historias menores. 2010. HD.
Alejandro and Esteban have to confront a gigantic world to experience what they saw in a TV commercial. In the end their innocence will face the adults world, unable to understand them.
Director: Daniel Mejía Vargas.
Cast: Ana María Arce, Natalia Cuellar, José David Fuentes, Jefferson David Garzón.
Colombia, 2010.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Anthology of short films. Part 99.
Anthology of short films. Part 99.
Anthology of short films. Part 99.

Anthology of short films. Part 99.
Anthology of short films. Part 99.


Vito e gli altri / Vito and the Others. 1991. DVD.

Vito e gli altri / Vito and the Others. 1991. DVD.
IT. Durante una notte di Capodanno un uomo improvvisamente impazzito senza nessuna ragione massacra la sua famiglia uccidendo la moglie e uno dei suoi due figli e risparmiando l'altro, il dodicenne Vito, che viene affidato ad una zia e al marito di questa, un fabbricante di fuochi d'artificio. Per tirare avanti la zia è costretta a spacciare droga servendosi della propria figlia e di Vito, che viene lasciato crescere senza alcuna guida. Vito vive nella strada cominciando la sua personale discesa nella degradazione morale e sociale: furti, scippi, spaccio di droga, rapine, prostituzione. Comincia a frequentare le carceri dove affina il suo carattere criminale confrontandosi con i suoi compagni di pena che stanno compiendo lo stesso suo percorso che lo porterà a diventare sicario della camorra.
EN.  Vito and the Others is the groundbreaking film which drew international attention to the problem of neglected youth and street crime in poverty-stricken Naples. The film's opening moments are startling and deeply disturbing. A despairing Rosario has just murdered his wife and daughter at the dinner table on New Year's Eve. Somehow, Vito quietly convinces his father to drop the gun, spare their lives and call the police. Placed in the custody of sexually abusive relatives, Vito is left free to roam the trash-strewn back streets of Naples where he and his friends engage in drug abuse, prostitution and petty crime. Ably acted by a large cast of nonprofessional street kids, VITO AND THE OTHERS is a heartrending portrait of innocents without a future.
Director: Antonio Capuano.
Cast: Nando Triola, Giovanni Bruno, Pina Leone , Antonio Farak, Alfredo Tassiero, Enzo Bacarello, Elio De Gregori, Mario Leuti, Antonio Iaccarino, Giuseppina Fusco, Enzuccio La Motta.
Italy, 1991.
Language: Italian, Russian.
Subtitles: English.
Download DVD Vito e gli altri / Vito and the Others. 1991:
2 parts archive:

Vito e gli altri / Vito and the Others. 1991. DVD.
Vito e gli altri / Vito and the Others. 1991. DVD.


Les jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz / The Games of Countess Dolingen of Gratz. 1981.

Les jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz / The Games of Countess Dolingen of Gratz. 1981. HD.
FR. À Paris, une jeune femme, Louise Haines-Pearson, rend visite à son amie alitée Nena. Celle-ci lui raconte qu'elle vient d'écrire un livre sur l'histoire d'une petite fille troublée par ses sens, peut-être à cause de la tyrannie exercée par sa mère et souffrant de l'absence de son père. Louise se reconnaît dans les difficultés de cette petite fille, étant elle-même profondément affectée par l'indifférence de son mari.
EN. The Games of Countess Dolingen (French: Les Jeux de la comtesse Dolingen de Gratz) is a 1981 French fantasy-drama film written and directed by Catherine Binet and starring Carol Kane.
The film was entered into the main competition at the 38th edition of the Venice Film Festival.
In Paris, a young woman, Louise Haines Pearson, visits her disturbed friend Nena who tells her that she has just written a book on the history of a little girl troubled by her senses, perhaps because of the tyranny of his mother and the absence of her father. Louise recognizes the difficulties of this little girl, being herself deeply affected by the indifference of her husband.
Director: Catherine Binet.
Cast: Michael Lonsdale, Carol Kane, Katia Wastchenko, Marina Vlady, Emmanuelle Riva, Roberto Plate, Marilú Marini, Robert Stephens, Marucha Bo, Antoine Binet, Raoul Escari, Tobie Schumer, François Mouren-Provensal, Yves Barsacq, Alain Cuny.
France, 1981.
Language: French.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
Download Les jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz / The Games of Countess Dolingen of Gratz. 1981.
Les jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz / The Games of Countess Dolingen of Gratz. 1981. HD.
Les jeux de la Comtesse Dolingen de Gratz / The Games of Countess Dolingen of Gratz. 1981. HD.



Anthology of short films. Part 98.

Anthology of short films. Part 98.

The newest issue of Anthology of short films number ninety eight is ready for viewing. This time there are 7 minifilms here, including funny commercial from Brazil.
1. No Daddy Daughter Dance. 2020. HD.
Grace tries to change her dad's mind when she is grounded from going to daddy daughter dance.
Directors: Kody Newton, Jared Stull.
Cast: Kody Newton, Tylin Newton, Brooke Burton, Dutchlin Stull, Alexander Sproule-Fendel.
USA, 2020.
Language: English.
1920x1080 HD
2. Não Me Deixe Aqui Sozinha / Do not leave me here alone. 2017. HD.
Clara, an 8 year old girl who, after being forgotten by the parents inside the car, knows little Alice. The two end up on a train track in Soturno, Cachoeiro de Itapemirim district, ES and discover that despite the different "lives", they have many things in common and are linked by a thread. The film opens debate on important social issues and shows that life is what we have most precious.
Director: Marcoz Gomez.
Cast: Amanda Durans, Bárbara Fornarolli, Ana Júlia Marangoni, Nega Nil.
Brazil, 2017.
Language: Portuguese.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
3. Das Mädchen mit dem roten Haar / The Girl with the Red Hair. 2012. HD.
Margalit joins a children's choir. After confiding a secret to a boy, with whom she tentatively makes friends, the boy mocks her by disclosing it to the group.
Director: Katharina Rivilis.
Cast: Wladimir Lavrentiev, Lea Müller.
Germany, 2012.
Language: German.
Subtitles: English.
1920x1080 HD
4. Ladybug. 2019. HD.
A young boy survives a long night of waiting for his mother to come home by using the tools of his imagination.
Director: Nick Lopez.
Cast: Riley Eastaugh, Elizabeth Gonzalez.
USA, 2019.
Language: English.
1920x1080 HD
5. Chocolates Garoto. 1995.
Um belo comercial do Chocolates Garoto. O ano era 1995. Longe do pudor do "politicamente correto" o VT apresenta as aventuras de diversos garotos com as garotas e mulheres. Será que nos dias de hoje este mesmo VT não seria alvo de diversas críticas? Vale a pena conferir.
Director: Washington Olivetto.
Brazil. 1995.
6. La Carta. 2011. HD.
An unusually common love story about a boy's search for inspiration to write a love letter.
Director: Angel Manuel Soto.
Cast: Aleck Bianchi, Leonardo Castro, Marisé Álvarez, Jose Brocco.
Puerto Rico, 2011.
Language: Spanish.
Subtitles: English.
1280x720 HD
7. Pandekager hver torsdag / Julemærkefilm 1966. 1966. HD.
A visit to the Julemærkehjem at Lindersvold, 1966.
Director: Jørgen Vestergaard.
Cast: Ingeborg Brams.
Denmark, 1966.
Language: Danish.
1518x1080 HD
Download Anthology of short films. Part 98.

Anthology of short films. Part 98.
Anthology of short films. Part 98.

Anthology of short films. Part 98.
Anthology of short films. Part 98.


Un dramma borghese / Mimi. 1979.

Un dramma borghese / Mimi. 1979.
IT. Un torbido sentimento lega padre e figlia, Guido e Mimmina, rimasti separati per molti anni. Un'amica di Mimmina, una donna e non una ragazza, diventa l'amante di Guido che spera di mettere fine alla relazione con la figlia. Mimmina tenta il suicidio, ma non è chiaro se l'esito sarà fatale o se qualcuno la salverà.
EN. Un dramma borghese (internationally released as Mimi) is a 1979 Italian drama film directed by Florestano Vancini. It is based on the novel with the same title by Guido Morselli and it has as main theme an incestuous love between a father and a daughter.
The fifteen year-old Maria "Mimmina" Luiza leaves the boarding school in Genève to stay in the Bechten Hotel nursing her father, the widower writer Guido, who is paralyzed by rheumatism. Along the days, Guido recovers from his illness and Mimmina has a crush on him and tries to seduce her own father. When her roommate and best friend Therese, who is eight years older than Mimmina, comes to the hotel to visit Mimmina, she has a love affair with Guido with tragic consequences.
Director: Florestano Vancini.
Cast: Franco Nero, Dalila Di Lazzaro, Lara Wendel, Carlo Bagno, Felicita Montrone, Silvio Pascoletti.
Italy, 1979.
Language: Italian.
Download Un dramma borghese / Mimi. 1979.
Un dramma borghese / Mimi. 1979.
Un dramma borghese / Mimi. 1979.


L'albero delle pere / Shooting the Moon. 1998.

L'albero delle pere / Shooting the Moon. 1998.
 Shooting the Moon (Italian: L'albero delle pere) is a 1998 Italian drama film directed by Francesca Archibugi. It entered the competition at the 59th Venice International Film Festival, in which Niccolò Senni won the Marcello Mastroianni Award.
Fourteen-year-old Siddharta lives in Rome with his mother, Silvia - an affectionate, rambling, though shifty woman. She does not work. She lives by her wits, her friendships, her relationships. She's separated from Siddharta's father, Massimo, who does his best to help them. With Roberto she has a five-year-old daughter, Domitilla, who lives with her own father, from whom Silvia is also estranged. The two siblings love each other very much. Domitilla moves in for the Christmas holidays, and, one day while rummaging among her mother's trousse, gets hurt by a syringe. Emotional turmoil ensues. Siddharta has to live on in spite of his parents' mis-doings. He sends Domitilla to do HIV, HBV and HCV tests without their parents' knowledge. Hence, he has to use his own name. That causes unexpected trouble.
Director:  Francesca Archibugi.
Cast: Valeria Golino, Niccolò Senni, Francesca Di Giovanni, Sergio Rubini, Stefano Dionisi, Corrado Invernizzi, Chiara Noschese, Victor Cavallo, Maria Consagra, Giuseppe Del Bono, Serena Scapagnini.
Italy, 1998.
Language: Italian.
Download L'albero delle pere / Shooting the Moon. 1998.
L'albero delle pere / Shooting the Moon. 1998.
L'albero delle pere / Shooting the Moon. 1998.

I'm the Same, I'm an Other / Deep in a Dream of You. 2013. HD.

I'm the Same, I'm an Other / Deep in a Dream of You. 2013. HD.
A man in his thirties is on the run with a young girl. As they take a ferry to the UK, traces of a common past come to light - a past filled with loss and sorrow. Fleeing in secret, they end up hiding in a small apartment on the seaside, where they live day-to-day, exploring each other’s emotional territories. Mourning and grief will bind them, but is this alliance of dependence appropriate for them and for the outside world?
Director: Caroline Strubbe.
Cast: Kimke Desart, Zoltán Miklós Hajdu, Mark Hanney.
Belgium, 2013.
Language: English, Dutch, Hungarian.
1280x720 HD
Download I'm the Same, I'm an Other / Deep in a Dream of You. 2013.
I'm the Same, I'm an Other / Deep in a Dream of You. 2013. HD.
I'm the Same, I'm an Other / Deep in a Dream of You. 2013. HD.


Sixten / Dancing Feet. 1994.

Sixten / Dancing Feet. 1994.
 SE. Sixten är en svensk dramafilm från 1994 i regi av Catti Edfeldt.
13-årige Sixten bor med sin ensamstående och överbeskyddande pappa som arbetar som busschaufför på nätterna. Tillsammans med Jonte tar Sixten fram en plan att få pappan på andra tankar, kanske behöver han en riktig kvinna.
Filmen premiärvisades 16 september 1994. Den filmades av Rolf Lindström och bygger på Ulf Starks roman Sixten som utgavs 1987. I samband med filmens premiär återutgavs boken i omskriven form. I amerikanska Variety oroade man sig för att den skulle komma att barnförbjudas på grund av det inklippta samlagsavsnittet från filmen Ur kärlekens språk.
EN. Sixten lives with his divorced father. His mother lives in Copenhagen and never visits them. In order to help his father to find a new wife, Sixten answers lonely-heart ads in the papers which leads to some unexpected meetings with strange women. At the same time Sixten discovers his own sexuality and has a summer romance with a girl at school. Comedy and drama on the pains of growing up.
Director: Catti Edfeldt.
Cast: Peter Viitanen, Hans Henriksson, Jonas Magnusson, Marie Thulin, Ing-Marie Carlsson, Kalle Stridbeck, Erik Lagerström, Magnus Nilsson, Anna-Lena Brundin.
Sweden, 1994.
Language: Swedish.
Download Sixten / Dancing Feet. 1994.
Sixten / Dancing Feet. 1994.
Sixten / Dancing Feet. 1994.


Das feuerrote Spielmobil. 1972. Episodes 11, 12.

Das feuerrote Spielmobil. 1972. Episodes 11, 12.
DE. Das feuerrote Spielmobil war eine vom 21. April 1972 bis 12. Juli 1981 ausgestrahlte Kinder-Fernsehserie für Kinder ab dem Vorschulalter. Insgesamt wurden 184 Folgen der vom Bayerischen Rundfunk produzierten Serie im Nachmittagsprogramm der ARD gesendet.
EN. Das feuerrote Spielmobil was a German television children's television series, broadcast from April 21, 1972 to July 12, 1981. A total of 184 episodes of the series produced by Bayerischer Rundfunk (BR) were broadcast in the afternoon program of ARD. The concept of the series was developed and produced from 1969 as a successor of the children's series "Spielschule" and shot in Munich, because the BR managers considered, that the social situation in Germany was not correctly represented by Sesamstraße and therefore needed a replacement program.
In the show a red minibus, equipped as a camera car, drove across the country and showed encounters with people and their stories.
At the beginning of the series the Spielmobil was an Opel Blitz. The aim of the series was to stimulate the imagination of the audience and to teach social interaction. In the first five episodes the two dolls Maxifant and Minifant played in the series, which then got their own series, because the production partners separated. Instead, the puppets Biff and Wuff (designed by Jan Gulbransson) and the animated character Wummi were used.
Episode List.
11. Wo ist der Elefant?
12. Nicki sucht einen Vater.
Directors: Peter Emmer, Jochen Richter.
Cast: Peter Kern, Philipp Sonntag, Uwe Falkenbach, Erich Schleyer, Josef Schwarz, Jörg Hube, Anja Franke, Michael Habeck, Frithjof Vierock, Marion Kracht.
West Germany, 1972.
Language: German.
Das feuerrote Spielmobil. 1972. Episodes 11, 12.
Das feuerrote Spielmobil. 1972. Episodes 11, 12.


Fugitivas / Fugitives. 2000.

Fugitivas / Fugitives. 2000.
 Born in a poor neighborhood, Tony hides hides behind the image of a tough woman. She has a boyfriend, Juanjo, and two pals, a strange couple formed by Maxi, who is obsessed with martial arts, and moco, a terminal junkie. They all decide to hold up a Lottery Administration in Madrid. But Juanjo has another plan: he's going to betray his two friends and escape with Tony and the money. They start their runaway to the South with the excuse of taking Laura, Juanjo's seven year old niece, to see her father, a flamenco singer. But at the beginning of the trip, with Maxi, Moco and the police on their tail, Tony is betrayed by her boyfriend who disappears with the money, abandoning her and Laura in a dismal road side restaurant. With their pursuers close behind them, Tony and Laura are forced to keep running. In the course of their journey, the initial distrust between them will turn into a deep friendship.
Director: Miguel Hermoso.
Cast: Laia Marull, Beatriz Coronel, Juan Diego, María Galiana, Miguel Hermoso Arnao, Roberto Cairo, Jesús Olmedo, Antonio Dechent, Santiago Ramos.
Spain, 2000.
Language: Spanish.
Download Fugitivas / Fugitives. 2000.
Fugitivas / Fugitives. 2000.
Fugitivas / Fugitives. 2000.


El seductor / The Seductor. 1995.

El seductor / The Seductor. 1995.
ES. Cosme, un chico de quince años, vive con sus padres y su hermana en un chalet adosado. La monotonía de su vida cambia cuando se enamora de su vecina Merche, una hermosa mujer que tiene casi veinte años más que él.
EN. Cosme, a 15-year-old boy, sets his sights and his libido on his new neighbor, Merche. After giving her a lift on his moped, and getting a glimpse of her underwear, he begins to look for excuses to wander next door. He manufactures illnesses to stay home from school and uses his free time to ogle her while she sunbathes outside. His efforts to sustain a relationship that leads to the bedroom are hampered by his amusing family, sabotaged by the maid, and jealously noted by his high school girlfriend.
Director: José Luis García Sánchez.
Cast: María Barranco, Antonio Hortelano, Santiago Ramos, Kiti Mánver, Enrique San Francisco, Alicia Bogo, Luis Perezagua, María Galiana, Francis Lorenzo     Francis Lorenzo, Arturo Solana.
Spain, 1995.
Language: Spanish.
El seductor / The Seductor. 1995.
El seductor / The Seductor. 1995.


水の花 / Mizu no hana / Water Flower. 2005.

水の花 / Mizu no hana / Water Flower. 2005.
JP. 自分を捨て出て行った母と、父親とは別の男との間に生まれた妹と偶然出会い、激しく揺れ動く思春期の少女の痛みを繊細に描き出している。
EN. Minako is still at school. Whe she was a little girl, her mother ran off with another man. Now Minako lives with her father, who has remarried, and her younger half-sister, Yu, who dreams of one day becoming a ballet dancer. on a whim, Minako takes Yu to a remote house by the sea that belonged to her grandparents, who have recently died. The more time Minako spends at the hideaway, playing and looking after her little half-sister, the more she becomes aware of her own situation. As she plays, her mind drifts back to memories of her own, happy childhood. Although now at an age where she feels more distanced from her father, the resentment she bears her mother for having deserted her and her father, remains unbroken.
Director: Yusuke Kinoshita.
Cast: Azusa Hibino, Asuka Kurosawa, Tomi Nakaho, Himawari Ono, Minami Orimoto, Tetsushi Tanaka, Saki Terashima, Takehito Terui, Kanji Tsuda.
Japan, 2005.
Language: Japanese.
Subtitles: English.
Download 水の花 / Mizu no hana / Water Flower. 2005.
水の花 / Mizu no hana / Water Flower. 2005.
水の花 / Mizu no hana / Water Flower. 2005.